Welcome to the new ERAS® program!
Your voice matters.
We are listening.
We are delivering.
The AAMC Electronic Residency Application Service® (ERAS®), now integrated with Thalamus, is the most streamlined holistic residency application program, featuring a modernized system, real-time data analytics, competitive pricing, and advanced capabilities.
Trusted by hospital systems, medical schools, residents, and fellows
Participating Programs
Residency and Fellowship
ERAS Users*
*ERAS users include residency program and fellowship applicants, medical schools, letter writers, and residency program contacts.
Source: 2023-24 ERAS program data.
Source: 2023-24 ERAS program data.
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2025 ERAS Season Resources and Information; Webinar Invitations; AAMC-Thalamus Collaboration Events